Completely Compromised Support
This support has been completely compromised by moisture and the wood's tendency to absorb water. Breaks like these are extremely detrimental to your home's foundation.
Water Destroying Your Home's Structure
here You can see the water that the wooden support has absorbed. It was absorbed by the wood then slightly released when the support snapped and sprayed the moisture back upon the wall.
Damaged Support
Although this beam is only slightly damaged, it will quickly break even more. These issues have to be addressed immediately regarding your home's structure.
Reverse Damaged Support
This is the same support beam as aforementioned in the picture entitled "Damaged Support."
Broken, Wet Support Beam
This support beam has absorbed moisture and become weak. It eventually broke against the force of the supporting block and thus the structure of the entire home is compromised.
Water Damage on a Wood Floor
Hardwood is never recommended for a basement floor. Wood has a tendency to absorb moisture and this is not suitable for basements.