Starting Our Project
How the garage looked after demoing the area we would be installing our system.

Where The System Will Go
Due to where the water was coming in to make sure that our system would keep this home dry we needed to install it up against the right side of the garage.

End Of The Garage Broken Out
How the end of the garage looked once we had broken our trench out.

Middle Of The Garage Broken Out
How the middle of the garage looked once we had broken our trench out.

Beginning Of The Garage Broken Out
How the beginning of the garage looked once we had broken our trench out.

Precision Time
Because this home has a step foundation we cut precision pieces of CleanSpace that were applied in front of our weep holes to make sure water would not miss our system.

CleanSpae Being Applied To The Bottom Of The Wall
After cutting to the proper specification we applied the CleanSpace right up against the weep holes that we had drilled, as well as under the supports.

CleanSpace In The Middle
How our CleanSpace barrier looked installed in the center of the wall.

CleanSpace At The Beginning Of Our System
How our CleanSpace barrier looked installed at the beginning of the wall.

Gravel Time
After installing all of our systems we are now ready to start covering everything with gravel to create a path of least resistance to allow water to flow to our sump pump

Right In Front Of The Sump Pump
How the beginning of our trench looked after we applied concrete over it and our system.

Middle Of Our System
How the middle of our trench looked after we applied concrete over it and our system.

End Of Our System
How the end of our trench looked after we applied concrete over it and our system.

TripleSafe In Place
How our TripleSafe sump pump looked once it was fully installed.

And That's A Wrap
Before heading out our team made sure that our discharge lines were properly installed and pitched away from the home.

Drilling For Weep Holes
Before installing our piping, gravel, and WaterGuard we needed to relieve all the hydrostatic pressure in order to make sure that once our system was in place water would flow properly into the system.

finishing Up Our Weep Holes
Putting the finishing weep holes into the wall before moving on to the next step

That's A Lot Of Holes
Our weep holes run across the entirety of the garage foundation wall.

Gravel At The Back End
How our system looked fully installed at the end of the wall before we apply concrete.

Gravel In The Middle
How our system looked fully installed in the middle of the wall before we apply concrete.