Front Of The Home
What the home we were performing our project on looked like from the outside.

What A View
What our team could see when we were taking the broken concrete out of the walkout basement.

What the entrance to the basement looked like.

Jackhammering Time
Starting to create our trench at the front of the basement entrance.

Run One
Creating our trench along the right side of the basement.

Run One Point Five
Finishing up the first run of our trench after getting behind the mechanicals.

Lateral Number One
After finishing our first run of our trench we started cutting our first lateral.

Lateral Number Two
Once we completed lateral number one we moved onto creating our second one.

Finishing Up Cutting The Laterals
How our laterals looked before we started to clean the broken concrete out of them.

Behind The Mechanicals
How our trench behind the mechanicals looked before we started to clean the broken concrete out of them.

Center To The Corner
How the center behind the mechanicals to the corner of the left side of the basement looked before we started to clean the broken concrete out of them.

Left Side Of The Basement
How the left side of the basement looked before we started to clean the broken concrete out of them.

Back Of The Basement
How the back wall of the basement looked before we started to clean the broken concrete out of them.

Cleaning Time
After all the jackhammering we started to clean our trench out. We started in the back of the basement and worked our way to the front.

Cleaning The Laterals
After all the jackhammering we started to clean our laterals out.

Home Stretch Of Cleaning
Our team working in tandem to finish cleaning our laterals and the front of the basement.

Laying Pipe
Starting to lay our perforated pipe for our waterproofing system.

Hooking Up
Once our pipe was placed in the trench we connected both ends to our sump pump.

Running Behind The Mechanicals
After connecting to the sump pump we ran another line of piping behind the mechanicals that connected and ran through our lateral.

TrenchGuard Installed
Before starting to install our WaterGuard around the basement we installed our TrenchGuard in front of the basement.

Look At All That Waterproofing System
How our WaterGuard system looked installed on the right side of the basement.

How our WaterGuard system looked installed behind the mechanicals and our sump pump right side of the basement.

To The Left To The Left
How our WaterGuard system looked installed on the left side of the basement.

Concrete Time
Starting to mix our first batch of concrete to go over/around our system.

Front Of The Basement
Concrete being applied at the front of the basement around our TrenchGuard system.

Working On Laying Concrete
Applying concrete over our system on the right side of the basement.

Wax On Wax Off
Applying concrete over our system on the left side of the basement.

Almost Done With The Perimeter
Applying concrete to the last run of our system before moving onto our laterals.

Lateral Time
Applying concrete to our laterals

Walkout Finished
How our TrenchGuard look encased in concrete

Ride Side Of The Basement Fins
How the front of our system looked fully installed

Ride Side Of The Basement From The Center To The EndFins
How our system looked from the center to the end of the wall on the right side of the basement.

Behind The Mechanicals
How our TrenchGuard looked fully installed behind the mechanicals

Basement Floor
A wide shot of how the basement looked completed.

She's Pretty
How our sump pump looked encased in concrete.

Left Side Of The Basement Finished
How the left side of the basement looked with our system concreted over.

Last Run Of Concrete
How the end of our system looked against the backwall of the basement.

Installing Our Discharge Line
After completing our concrete in the basement we moved onto installing our discharge line.

Exit Here
The end of our discharge line with an exit for the water to get out of.

Connecting Lines
After everything was set in place properly we connected our discharge line to our IceGuard system to make sure that their system will work properly year-round.

Fully installed IceGuard. This system will make sure during the winter that their sump pump can still work as if it is summer.

It's Like We Were Never There
How the yard looked after we covered up our discharge line.

End Of The Line
How our discharge line and the exit for water looked after being coved over.

Another Happy Client
And that's a wrap on another project.