Outside The Home
What the home we were performing our project on looked like from the outside

Starting Our Project
And our project begins by starting to break out one of our laterals.

After breaking out our lateral we started to remove the debris from it.

Setting The Stage
Setting up our basin for our sump pumps.

Connecting To The Sump Pump
Once the basin was set we started to create our connection points.

Piping For Days
Our perforated piping being installed in the lateral on the left side of the basement.

Piping For Days
Our perforated piping being installed in the lateral on the right side of the basement.

Lateral One
How the lateral on the left side of the basement looked filled in with gravel,

Gravel Down
How the basin looked with gravel around it.

Lateral Two
How the lateral on the right side of the basement looked filled in with gravel,

Truing & Centering
Making sure that everything is trued, squared and properly spaced for our PowerBraces.

More Squaring
Finishing up making sure everything is proper for our PowerBraces.

Cleaning The Footings
Finishing up cleaning out the footings for our PowerBraces.

PowerBrace One
Installing our first PowerBrace at the beginning of the wall.

PowerBrace Two
Installing our second PowerBrace in the middle of the wall.

PowerBrace Three
Installing our third PowerBrace at the end of the wall.

Applying Pressure
Once our PowerBraces were in place we secured the top lever bracket to the floor joists.

Continuing To Secure
Continuing to secure our PowerBraces to the floor joists.

Beginning Of The Wall
How our PowerBraces looked full installed from the beginning of the wall to the center.


What the footings for our PowerBraces looked like with them fully installed.

Applying Our Waterproofing
Starting to apply our waterproofing system around the perimeter of the basement.

Waterproofing Around The Mechanicals
Working around the mechanicals to make sure that our waterproofing system was properly installed.

Rolling Out The Red Carpet
Laying our drain mat over our waterproofing system.

Taping Time
To make sure that our drain mat was properly sealed and nothing would move during us pouring our concrete we taped everything in place.


Back Of The Basement
How all our systems looked fully installed in the back of the basement before pouring our new slab.


Time For Concrete
As most of our team worked in the basement to pour our concrete slab one member stayed outside to feed concrete into the basement.

Who's Next
As concrete came into the basement one member would fill a wheel barrel to pour it onto the floor. When they moved away from it another member would gather more concrete.


Making sure that every nook and cranny was covered with concrete,

Once the new floor was poured we started to apply our first finish with our float.

Hand Finish Time
Working with hand tools to apply our final finish to the front of the basements new slab.

Hand Finish Time
Working with hand tools to apply our final finish to the back area of the basements new slab.

Hand Finish Time
Working with hand tools to apply our final finish to the right side of the basements new slab.

Cleaning Time
Once done working with concrete we washed all of our tools off.



Right Side Of The Basement
How this project turned out from the right side of the basement.
