Gravity Drainage Line
Our installers are trained to use heavy machinery to dig a trench for the drainage line.

Gravity Drainage Line
Our installers take care to make sure the drainage line has a steady downward slope so it can drain out to the road and away from the house.

Holding Up The House
We used our Foundation Supportworks Piers in order to hold up the house while our crew members worked below. These piers were also installed in the crawl space of the house for extra structural support.

Holding Up The House
Our crews are great about working together and making sure everyone stays safe!

Building The New Block Founation
Our owner, Dale Giraudin, came out personally to build the block wall himself! Our team was close-by, helping and learning as the foundation was built.

Building The New Foundation
We took care to fill the corner blocks with cement for extra support and stability.

Building The New Foundation
Lending a helping hand!

Parging The Foundation
Our crew member, Mike, worked hard parging the block wall.

Parging The Foundation
Almost done building the foundation!

Here, Mike is applying a waterproofing barrier to the foundation.

This drainage liner will help direct water away from the foundation and into the gravity line below.

With the drainage seal applied, and drainage barrier and pipe installed, the foundation is ready to be filled back in.

Refilling Foundation
Even though this was a large project to take on, these homeowners can now rest easy knowing their home is safe.

Refilling Foundation
The crews used heavy machinery to refill the trench for the drain and the area around the home.