In this image you can see that the wall is bowing and is not structurally sound

Here you can see a picture of our waterproofing system. We used our patented WaterGuard waterproofing system to prevent the building from flooding. We also needed to place BrightWall strips on the bottom part of the wall to aid with the channeling of the water from the weep holes into the waterproofing system.

PowerBrace in combination with our waterproofing system.
Here you are able to see how we tie the PowerBraces into our WaterGuard system. The PowerBraces sit on top of the bracket which also ties into the waterproofing system. This allows the PowerBrace to work seamlessly with our WaterGuard system.

Installed PowerBraces
Here you can see the PowerBraces have been installed

Almost done
In this photo our team was in the final stage of work laying the cement.

Final Product
This wall in now structurally sound and the building is now waterproof for life! Good Job team!