About To Begin
Our team is ready to rock and roll on this project. Just look how beautiful our trucks look in front of this home.

Before Starting 1/2
How the garage looked before we transformed it into a work of art.

Before Starting 2/2
How the center to the right side of the garage looked before we transformed it into a work of art.

Demo Time
Our team hard at work removing all the old concrete so we can install our systems.

A Trench For Our Discharge Line
Once our sump pump is installed our discharge line will run any and all water out to daylight through our discharge line.

Back Right Corner
Our team made a dent in cleaning out all the old concrete that we dug up. Here you can see how things looked in the back right corner.

Basin Location
Before installing our basin for our sump pump we needed to dig the appropriate size hole for it to sit in.

Basin In
After digging the appropriate size hole for our basin we then installed it so we could eventually lay our concrete around it.

Cutting Support Beams
Before installing our Smartjacks we had to properly support the home in order to remove their old lally columns.

Before Our Smartjacks
How their old lally column support systems looked before installing our Smartjack systems

Setting Up Our Temporary Support
Getting our temporary support set before fully installing it to remove the old lally column.

Screw Jack To Put Upward Pressure On The Main Girder
Once our temporary supports with screw jacks were implemented properly our team made sure that everything was proper before applying upward pressure to support the home.

Supports In Place
How our supports looked once they were fully in place.

Removed Concrete
After removing the concrete in the center of the floor we were able to start digging down to the proper depth for our poured footings.

Concrete Time
We mixed several batches of concrete to achieve the proper level for our poured footings.

Mixing Concrete
In order to place our new footings that our Smartjacks will be set on our team mixed up several batches of concrete to obtain the proper height.

Fully Filled
Our hole fully dug out and filled with concrete to support our footing

Truing Everything Up
Before putting down our footing and SmartJack we needed to make sure that we had the proper height and that everything was true and concentric.

Starting On The Driveway
In order for our waterproofing system to be effective we had to dig up a small part of the concrete in their driveway in order to install one of our trench drains.

Right To Left
Jackhammering has commenced on the right side of the driveway.

Half Way There
Slow and steady wins the race. We are half way there to finishing the jackhammering process on the driveway.

Cleaning Time
After all our jackhammering our team started to remove all the broken pieces by hand and place them into our dump truck.

We Love Concrete
Removing the final big pieces of concrete from the driveway.

Small Details Left
All the huge pieces of concrete were removed, now all that is left for the small pieces to be removed.

Digging, Grading, And Leveling
Once all the broken up concrete had been removed our team started to dig down to the proper depth for our new concrete slab, as well as roughly graded it while making sure everything stayed level.

Starting Our Holes
Starting to dig our holes to install our Stabil-Loc foundation support systems.

Squaring Up
While pushing our segments down to bedrock we constantly make sure that everything is square before starting the process.

Segments Started 1/2
After making sure that everything was square we started pushing our segments down to bedrock on the right side of the garage

Segments Started 2/3
After making sure that everything was square we started pushing our segments down to bedrock on the right side of the garage

Segments Started 3/3
After making sure that everything was square we started pushing our segments down to bedrock right in front of the garage, as well as on the inside of it.

More Pushing
When pushing segments down to bedrock smooth is fine, and fine and fast.

Were Finally There
starting to cap off all of our segments in order to install the head assembly to put upward pressure on the home.

Look At That Beauty
After all the digging and pushing we were finally able to put the head assembly on all of our capped segments. These piers will keep the home from settling.

SmartJack #1
How one of our SmartJack's fully assembled looks.

Smartjack #2
How one of our SmartJack's fully assembled looks.

Both Smartjacks
How both of our SmartJack's fully assembled look.

Stabil-Loc With Trench Drain
How our piering system along with our trench drain looked after they were fully installed.

Starting The Gravel
After staking everything down we started to lay our gravel for our concrete slab

Repositioning Our Trench Drain
While laying down our gravel and checking our trench drain we realized that we needed to reposition it to make sure it would work flawlessly.

Trench Drain #2
Installing our second trench drain.

Leveling And Truing
After installing our second trench drain we made sure that everything was level and square.

Going Over The Trench Drain
After installing our trench drain we put a board over it in order to bring our wheel barrel of gravel into the garage to prepare it for concrete.

Staked With Gravel
Gravel fully laid in the garage for our our new concrete slab, as well as our trench drain staked until we have a significant amount of concrete to remove the stakes.

Cutting Rebar
For rigidity we added rebar throughout the entire garage. We started in the back and worked our way around the perimeter.

Right Side
After filling the back of the garage with rebar we moved to installing on the right side of the garage.

Time To Mow
Once all our gravel was properly laid we ran our tool over it to compact the gravel even finer and tighter.

Last Pass Of Mowing
Once all our gravel was properly laid we ran our tool over it to compact the gravel even finer and tighter.

In The Home Stretch
All our systems installed. All we need to do in order to finish this project is pour our new slab and apply our finish to it.

Concrete Time
Starting to lay concrete

Right Side Finished
How the right side of the garage looked after we applied the proper amount of concrete to it.

Starting On The Driveway
Starting to lay concrete

All Hands On Deck
In order to finish applying concrete to the remainder of the area we needed all hands on deck.

Starting Our Finish
We started to apply our finish to our newly laid concrete slab in the back center of the garage.

Center To Right
In order to make sure the finish came out perfect we move in clockwise fashion in a precise and methodical method to make sure that our finish comes out the same throughout the entirety of our project.

Working On The Finish Around Our Sump Pump
After completing the finish in the back right corner we proceeded to work are way forward to work on the finish around our sump pump.

Last Piece Of The Puzzle
Finishing up the finish on our new concrete slab

Fine Work
Putting a fine texture on the concrete around our trench drain.

Hold On
In order to provide the proper amount of texture to the part of the driveway we replace our team put the proper texture into it with the help of our "patented" tool

Set For New Asphalt
While installing our waterproofing system along with a new concrete slab on the front portion of their driveway, we as well pitched it properly for their driveway to be redone shortly after our project was completed.

Outside In
How our concrete looked from outside the garage to th back of it.

And That's A Wrap
How everything looked once we completed this project.

Another Satisfied Customer
We love being able to help make a difference in our client's lives