This Home May Look Familiar
In 2019 we waterproofed this home's basement. Since installing our patented system have not experience an inch of water in there basement. Because of how impressed they were with our work they had us fix their foundation issues as well.

Starting To Sister The Floor Joists
After getting all our materials into the crawl space our team started sistering the floor joists in the front of the crawl space and worked their way back.

Working On Sistering The Floor Joists
Before any new supports could be put in we had to sister their floor joists.

Before Our Project Was Completed
A wide shot of how the crawl space looked before we started transforming it into a beautiful work of art.

Finishing Sister The Floor Joists
After starting to sister the floor joists at the front of the crawl space we worked our way to the back where we finished.

Getting Ready For SmartJacks
Before implementing our SmartJack systems with steel I-beams we installed our temporary supports in order to lift the home up the appropriate height that we needed in order to install our new systems, as well as to keep everyone safe.

Precision Work
Lifting up this home takes more than just keeping an eye on how things are going, but also the feel it as well.

Starting The Digging Process
Our team started to dig out multiple spots for our new footings.

Breaking Up The Big Stuff
The further we dug down the more resistance we ran into due to rocks. In order to remove them from the holes we created we used our jackhammer to break things up and remove them from the space.

Getting the Nitty Gritty Out
Once all the big debris was removed we went back and made sure that all the little debris was out and that everything was leve.

One Of Many Holes For Our New Footings
\Here we can see one of the many holes that will be filled with concrete for our new footings.

Oh Look Another Hole
Here we can see one of the many holes that will be filled with concrete for our new footings.

Concrete Time
Starting to fill the holes we created with concrete to form our new footings for our SmartJack systems

Getting To A Firm Consistency
Once our concrete had hardened a tiny bit our team went back through them and made them all level.

One of Twelve Footings
Look at the beautifully formed concrete footing.

One of Twelve Footings
Look at the beautifully formed concrete footing.

One of Twelve Footings
Look at the beautifully formed concrete footing.

Getting Our Steel Beam In Place
Before we could install our SmartJacks on our footings we had to install our steel I-beam. Once this was in place we were able to tie the new beam into our SmartJacks.

It Takes Two
After installing our SmartJacks we then had to make sure they were 100% square and true before tightening down to the proper torque spec.

Right Tighty
Once we confirmed that everything was square and true we started to tighten our supports down to the proper torque spec.

Look At All That Steel
After installing all of our foundation support systems this home will not settle again.

Checking For Proper Level
After completing our work in the crawl space we checked how level everything was upstairs. When we used both our standard and laser level we were able to show that the home had been brought back to level.

Confirming Level In Another Area
After confirming how level things were in the first part of the home we then moved on to the next part of the home. Again both our levels showed that everything was square and true.

Left Side Of The Crawl Space Almost Done
How the left side of the crawl space looked after we installed drain mat on the floor.

Right Side Of The Crawl Space Almost Done
How the left side of the crawl space looked after we installed drain mat on the floor.

In The Home Stretch
Before laying our CleanSpace on the floor and up the walls we installed drain mat in order to redirect any water towards our sump pump

And That's A Wrap
After our Installation Specialist completed installing our patented products we were able to completely transform the look and the feel of this home's crawl space.

Another Happy Repeat Client
These homeowners could not have been any more impressed with how their previous and current project turned out. More importantly to them peace of mind had been fully restored to them