Front Of The Home
How the home that we were performing the project on looked from the the front.

Temporary Supports In Place
Before knocking down a part of the foundation we stabilized the home for the safety of everyone.

More Support
A wide shot of how our temporary supports looked installed

All That Is Holding The Corner Of The Home
Our temporary supports working overtime to make sure that everyone is safe.

Let The Fun Begin
After supporting the home we started our exterior dig up in order to get to the foundation.

Giving The Excavator Some Help
While the excavator is an excellent tool for exterior dig ups some parts of the dig must be done by hand.

Continuing To Dig
More digging done by hand once we had achieved the proper depth in order to get all the fine details taken care of.

Look At Those Steps
Due to their foundation being compromised their foundation wall had multiple stair step cracks running through it, as well this wall had shifted significantly.

I'll Huff and Puff Till It Blows Down
Starting to remove the corner of the block foundation and rebuild it.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race
Even though the home was properly supported we needed to make sure that we removed the proper amount of block. Our Specialists started in one area nad strategically continued to pull blocks out until we reached the required depth.

How the foundation wall looked after we had disassembled it.

Unloading Block
Once our dump truck arrived with the proper size blocks we started to off load them.

We Can Make Her Stronger
After knocking down the corner we started to rebuild it.

Rebuilding Time
Our Specialists started toe tedious process of laying the new corner of this block foundation

Approximately every three coarse block we reinforced the wall to make sure that it would not shift in the future.

We're Rocking And Rolling
Our team is working hard to finish this foundation wall.

Almost There
Only a few more coarses of block to be laid then we can start to back fill our dig up.

Fully Built Wall
After hours of laying block our team is done.

Removing The Supports
After backfilling we put the home back on the foundation before starting to remove our temporary supports.

The Last Support
Removing our last temporary support from the home, which will allow it to sit flush on top of the foundation.

It Wasn't Jenga Thankfully 1/3
Our high stakes game of Jenga is complete. Another happy client.

It Wasn't Jenga Thankfully 2/3
How are completed wall looked from the outside

It Wasn't Jenga Thankfully 3/3
How are completed wall looked at the corner