Start Of The Day
How the home that we were performing our project looked from the front.

Start Of The Project
How the home that we were performing our project looked from the front.

Starting To Dig
Before we can start to remove this wall we must complete our exterior dig.

Excavator In action
Removing dirt from around the foundation wall.

Digging Completed
After digging down to the proper depth we can now start to demolish this wall.

Temporary Supports
Before we could start to tear down the old wall we had to install our temporary supports first to keep everyone safe. Here we can see how they looked from the center to the front wall.

Temporary Supports
Before we could start to tear down the old wall we had to install our temporary supports first to keep everyone safe. Here we can see how they looked from the center to the back wall.

Creating Our Footings
Our team started to mark out and jackhammer through the basement floor to make way for our new poured footings for our SmartJacks.

In Progress Footings
How the area we looked jackhammered before we cleaned them out

Cleaning Process
Starting to remove all the jackhammered debris from the floor.

That' Why They Have A Draft
How things looked during demolishing the old foundation wall.

Team Effort
As a few members worked on clearing the rest of the old wall the rest of them continued to clean out the areas that we had jackhammered.

Proper Depth
Making sure that the areas for our new footings were not only true, but also that they were deep enough based on the blueprint specs.

Forming For Concete
Before we could lay our new concrete for the footing for their new wall we had to create a form for it to harden.

Concrete For Days
Our concrete truck lowering concrete into both the form for our new footing for the foundation as well for inside the home for our SmartJacks.

Moving Concrete
As concrete was coming down the shoot our team was distributing it evenly over the entire form

Finishing Time
Once our concrete was distributed evenly across the form we started to apply our finish to it.

SmartJack Footings
Once our footings were fully filled for our SmartJacks we applied our finish to them.

Finished Footings
How our footings inside the home looked once they had hardened.

Left Corner Of The Footing
How our footing outside the home looked from the left hand corner looked as it hardened.

Center Of The Footing
How our footing outside the home looked from the center looked as it hardened.

Block Laying Time
Our team starting to lay block to rebuild the foundation wall.

Straight & True
When laying every individual block our team checks to make sure that everything is straight and true.

Finishing Up The Coarse
Finishing up the first few coarse of block.

Finished Coarses
How the first few coarses of block wall looked after they had been laid.

Continuing To Go Up
Continuing to lay our block for our new foundation wall.

Checking For Levelness
Our team making sure that everything was level as the higher you go the margin of error increases.

Finishing Up More Block
Another coarse of block being completed.

Wow Look At That Wall
How our new block wall looked after being fully built, parged and waterproofed from the left side to the center

More Beauty
How our new block wall looked after being fully built, parged and waterproofed from the center to the right side

Clean Up Time
After completing our new wall we proceeded to backfill the area that we had disturbed and apply a rough grade to it as well.

Inside Front Wall
How our new wall, SmartJacks and 2x12' quadruple main girder looked fully installed.

More Main Girder
How the span of our new main girder along with our SmartJacks looked in the center of the home.