An outside view of the home that we are performing our project on.

Starting Our Project
Starting to make our first cuts for our trench.

Trench Along The Right Wall
How our trench looked after being freshly cut on the right side of the basement.

Center Of The Right Wall
How our trench looked after being freshly cut in the center of the right side of the basement.

Front Wall
How our trench looked fully created and cleaned out underneath the stairs.

Along the Left Side Wall
How our trench looked fully created and cleaned out on the left hand side of the basement

Center Of The Left Wall
How our trench looked fully created and cleaned out on the left hand side of the basement near our sump pump

End Of The Trench
How our trench looked fully created and cleaned out at the very end.

Piping For Days
Once our trench was completed we started to run our perforated piping from underneath the stairs to the corner of the wall.

Hooking Into The Sump Pump
Once the first section of our piping was installed we were able to connect our piping to our sump pump.

Other Side Of The Pump
How the other side of our sump pump looked with perforated piping connected to it on the other side.


FlowGuard Installed On The Left Wall
Once done with our piping we were able to burry it and apply our patented waterproofing system on top of it on the left side of the basement.

More Waterproofing System
Once done with our piping we were able to burry it and apply our patented waterproofing system on top of it on the right side of the basement.

Working Around Corners
Once done with our piping we were able to burry it and apply our patented waterproofing system on top of it in the adjacent room

Finishing Up Our System
Once done with our piping we were able to burry it and apply our patented waterproofing system on top of it in the adjacent room on the front wall.

Look At That Strength
Afer completing our waterproofing system we moved on to taking down a portion of the wall for our I-Beam.

Finishing Up Piece One
After several passes with the saw we completed the cutting of the first section. Now that it was cut in half we could start to remove part of the wall.


Last Cut For Part Two
After making our last cut we can now knock down the last part of this wall.

That's Alot Of Concrete
In order to take out the removed parts of the wall our team broke them down into smaller pieces and carried them out by hand.

Major Strength Needed
Our team of seven lifting an almost five hundred pound steel I-Beam several feet into the air to give this basement and home structural integrity.

Right Wall Completed
How the right side of the basement looked after our system had been installed and concreted over.

Front Wall Completed
How the front side of the basement looked after our system had been installed and concreted over.

Back Wall Completed
How the left side of the basement looked after our system had been installed and concreted over.

Center To The Corner Of The Left Side
How the center to the corner of the left side of the basement looked after our system had been installed and concreted over.

Under The Stairs
How under the stairs of the basement looked after our system had been installed and concreted over.

Steel I-Beam In Place
How our steel I-Beam looked once it had been fitted into the notch that we had created.

Project Complete
Another happy customer thanks to BSNY and its' sister companies.